Weight loss ticker.

Monday, August 22, 2022


I'm struggling. I don't know why. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with everything. With life. I do research and I think I have adult ADHD and of course, depression. And no one cares. I can't talk to my friends about it. Why call them friends? I'm the listener of the group. I rarely get to talk. I've even had "the hand" in front of my face to be quiet. If I say two words, the subject gets changed and everyone else jabbers, or worse yet (my daughter), they get glassy eyed and stare off into space until I finish. I can't tell you how many times my feelings have been hurt. Mention depression and EVERYONE leaves you alone! I even thought I had a nervous breakdown before and told my friends and yep, got totally ignored. During chemo NOT ONE of them called, visited, or sent a card. One of them texted a couple times a month but that's all. That still stings...

 I'm starting 5-HTP today to see if it makes a difference in anything. Mood, appetite, anxiety, whatever... if it helps ANYTHING it will be worth it. So, I'm struggling. I still have the goal to lose 30 pounds by January. That's just over 5 pounds a month. Stick with me, OK? 

'Til the next pound down!

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