Weight loss ticker.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Well, with all the chaos of my life the last three months, I have had a gain of over 4 pounds. I say "over" 4 pounds because I'm not really sure how much I've gained. I am cleaning out cabinets and fridge on Monday, then stocking with healthy foods. I don't know for sure what I'll be doing, but I will start back slowly to the "nutritarian" way of eating. Then after July 4th, I will be back for real. Here's to health and weight loss!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Mine is cleaned out and I'm finishing my menu chart. I will post pictures very soon. I can't believe it; we start next week! I am so stoked! hehe
    I have so much to tell you. I will call you later. :0)

    Hope your having a good day!
    Miss talking,
