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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fighting the Urge

Yup, I'm fighting the urge to overeat! I lost 2.9 pounds last week, and then over the weekend I made a few unhealthy choices, then on Sunday I had to make a dash to the ER because my brother fell. This week I have been running back and forth to the hospital, and I haven't made good food choices. Yesterday was the worse! I weighed myself this morning, and I only gained about .4 back! What a blessing! So today I was prepared with veggies, fruit, and water, and did good all day. BUT, this evening I really had to fight the urge to eat junk and fast food. KFC almost had another customer tonight! But I fixed a salad instead, and steamed a whole zucchini! I'm really trying! This has to become a habit before too much longer. Tomorrow will be another test...I don't have any lettuce in the house, so I can't grab it first to fill me up. I will let you know how I'm doing!

1 comment:

  1. Debb, please keep up all your hard work. I can't imagine how you are handling all this stress. Your such a good example to me. I am so IMPRESSED with you taking fruit, veggies and your water to the hospital. I know your body is thanking you. I know I said this in my last post but I mean it..I love this blog!!!! You are putting yourself out there for everyone to see your struggles and successes. I am so glad to call you friend. I pray once you get your brother all settled in and his hip starts to heal you will have a bit less stress.

    Hang in there !
    Your friend and diet buddy,
